You And Your Practice

Yoga happens slowly and it happens fast.  This is your yoga practice.  Every time you unroll the mat something is worked on and something is worked out.  Your body re-finds its own level of strength and flexibility.  In any home practice it is important to listen to yourself and your teacher Jeannie is listening too.  As a member of this online community when you practise and tell Jeannie your lower back is tight, then next month a freshly-created video package comes out with your very best back-openers.


The Jeannie Factor

Being the age I am, and with the years that I have practised, you could say I know a thing or two about yoga.  I have been fortunate to sit with some of the best teachers around the world and it’s my job to keep giving away what was gifted.  Whether we get to our mat daily, weekly or somewhere in between, yoga is always our best chance to reconnect with our most precious self and discover the joy that comes from simply being. What I have to offer is ploughed wisdom. Many of those who I have taught have encouraged me to go online to share what I know.  This is my offering and I know it works - breathe and enjoy.